For the Work of Commissions, For Building Up the Body of Christ
Our Chinese Commission started in 2020 with the sole aim of reaching out to the growing Mandarin-speaking Christian community not just in Singapore, but regionally and globally too!

Rev. Gabriel TEO
Social Concerns
In addressing societal concerns, our Commission aims to ensure maximum efficiency in sharing resources that will offer both direct and indirect opportunities of involvement for members of the Alliance as well as our network of Churches and para-Church organisations.

Rev. Samuel Gift STEPHEN
Vice Chairman
We are not only passionate about connecting Youths to Jesus, but to build them up so that they will be able to help the body of Christ through missions, evangelism and discipleship.

We celebrate the lives of our Indian Guest Workers by creating a better and sustainable tomorrow for them through the sharing of the Gospel and making His Word available to all our Indian brothers and sisters.

Rev. Samuel Gift STEPHEN
Vice Chairman
The Alliance's Filippino Commission was founded in 2020 in recognition of the urgent need to support, encourage and uphold the work of our Filippino Church leaders who are engaged in outreach among the Filippino population during this season of COVID-pandemic.

Ps. Sonny NAZ
Family & Children
To build Familes in accordance to the Scripture and equip their Children to be agents of change in our Christian Community.

Dr. FOO Fung Fong
Associate Gen Secretary
To provide mentoring and encouragement to women of all ages, and to fulfill Titus 2:3-5 in a modern context - meeting the unique needs of Christian Women of the 21st century

<u>Ms. WEE Yeun Ling</u>
Associate Treasurer
The primary mission of the Registrar Commission is to facilitate the Evangelical journey of our Members and Volunteers by providing all necessary information and policies established by the Alliance and the Central Coucil.

<u>Rev. Ezekiel TAN</u>
Vice-Chairman & General Secretary
Just like the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, we exist to provide a theological reflection on local issues, and be the Evangelical voice theologically informed and faithful to the Scripture.

Rev. Dr. Clement CHIA
Sports Coalition
The global sports movement is at a wonderful and unique point in history. We have the opportunity to serve every community by serving athletes within the sports world everywhere!

Ps. Andy Lim
From Singapore to Asia... and then, the World. The Evangelical Alliance of Singapore is crossing borders for transformational ministr, and it all starts here.

<u>Rev. Ezekiel TAN</u>
Vice-Chairman & General Secretary